Industrial Wear Resistant Flooring

High Traffic – High Wear Areas

Prime Polymers’ wear resistant flooring systems are specifically designed to stand up to heavy foot and equipment traffic and harsh conditions.

Our wear resistant floors deliver a perfect solution for traffic aisles and pedestrian aisles, here’s why:

  • We can offer designated marking color combinations
  • We can provide complementing traffic line colors
  • Our high wear floors deliver a higher degree of abrasion resistance
  • Floors remain attractive for longer periods of time without the need to repair or replace
  • Cost savings since floor repair or floor replacement is not needed as often with wear resistant flooring

Industrial Facilities With High Wear Areas

Manufacturing Industry

In manufacturing environments, the flooring endures constant wear due to heavy machinery and equipment movement, making an epoxy flooring system an ideal choice for its extreme durability. The heavy duty nature of manufacturing operations often results in the need for epoxy coatings to protect the floor. The wear and tear can cause issues like cracks and chipping in the flooring, potentially disrupting production efficiency and posing safety hazards to workers.

Retail Industry

Stores experience heavy foot traffic, shopping carts, and continuous movement of merchandise, which places significant stress on their flooring. Epoxy floors can offer a resilient solution to handle this heavy traffic. Visually, worn flooring can create a negative impression on customers, potentially affecting the store’s image and reputation. Also, damaged or uneven flooring poses trip hazards to both customers and employees, leading to potential liability issues.

Healthcare Industry

In hospitals and healthcare facilities, there is constant traffic from patients, staff, and medical equipment. Over time, floors can experience issues like cracks and stains, potentially compromising patient safety and hygiene standards. These issues can lead to costly infection control measures and epoxy floor repairs, impacting the healthcare facility’s operations. Epoxy flooring systems are often used due to their resistance to the harsh cleaning chemicals and disinfectants required in healthcare.

Warehouse and Logistics Industry

Many warehouses and trucking facilities face heavy loads from forklifts, pallet jacks, and other heavy equipment. Constant pressure can cause concrete floors to crack and deteriorate over time. Damaged flooring, whether epoxy-coated or not, impedes the smooth operation of these facilities, leading to equipment malfunction and safety risks to workers. Epoxy floor coatings are commonly employed to protect the flooring from the stress of heavy loads

Food Processing Industry

Processing plants deal with spills, moisture, and temperature fluctuations, all of which take a toll on flooring. Over time, these factors can cause the floor to weaken and become slippery. The implications are substantial, as compromised flooring can compromise food safety and hygiene, potentially leading to product contamination and regulatory compliance issues. Epoxy flooring systems are favored for their ability to resist moisture and chemicals, but they are not immune to wear and tear.

Automotive Repair and Service Industry

Both of these industries experience constant traffic of vehicles, heavy tools, and fluids like oil and grease. These heavy-duty environments can lead to oil stains and wear on the floor. The resulting issues include a dirty and unprofessional appearance, reduced workplace safety due to slippery surfaces, and potential environmental hazards if chemicals seep into the ground. All of these factors can harm the reputation of the business and may lead to compliance issues with environmental regulations. Epoxy floor coatings are often used to protect against chemical degradation.

Gym and Fitness Industry

Gyms and fitness centers have flooring that endures repeated impacts from weights, exercise machines, and high-intensity workouts. Gym floors can experience wear and tear. Damaged flooring can lead to potential injuries for gym-goers, disrupt workout routines, and negatively impact customer satisfaction and retention rates. Specialized epoxy flooring systems can provide the necessary durability for heavy equipment use.

In all these industries, the use of epoxy coatings and flooring systems plays a crucial role in protecting against wear and tear caused by heavy machinery, equipment, traffic, and loads, ensuring safe and efficient operations, maintaining a positive image, and avoiding potential legal and financial consequences associated with flooring issues. Epoxy primers and floor coatings are often essential components of these systems.

Problems With Not Treating Industrial Floors

Surface Erosion

The surface of industrial flooring can erode over time due to the harsh environment, heavy equipment, and constant foot traffic. Applying an extremely durable epoxy primer and floor coating can mitigate this issue, providing a protective layer that withstands wear and tear.

Cracking and Fractures

Cracks and fractures in industrial flooring may occur as a result of heavy loads, temperature fluctuations, and settling of the building’s foundation. The application of epoxy materials, including epoxy primers and floor coatings, can reinforce the flooring, preventing such damage.

Chemical Damage

Industrial flooring exposed to corrosive chemicals can suffer significant damage over time. To protect against chemical deterioration, epoxy materials are often used. Without this safeguard, compromised flooring can jeopardize hygiene, risk product contamination, and result in regulatory non-compliance.

Stains and Discoloration

Spills and stains from various substances can mar the appearance of industrial flooring. Epoxy floor coatings and primers, designed to be stain-resistant, can help prevent this issue. Stains not only affect the floor’s aesthetics but can also indicate underlying damage. Epoxy materials protect the surface, preserving the business’s image and preventing the need for frequent cleaning and maintenance.

Uneven Surfaces

Uneven areas on industrial flooring can create tripping hazards and disrupt operations. Epoxy materials, when properly applied, provide a level surface and enhance the floor’s durability. Without such intervention, uneven surfaces can pose safety risks, hinder workflow, and potentially lead to accidents.

Moisture and Mold Growth

Moisture absorption in industrial flooring can result in mold growth, affecting both the surface and underlying materials. Epoxy materials, including moisture-resistant primers and coatings, can prevent this issue. Mold growth not only compromises flooring integrity but also endangers employee health and compliance with regulations.

Loss of Traction

A loss of traction on worn industrial flooring can lead to slip-and-fall accidents. Epoxy materials, such as slip-resistant coatings, enhance floor safety. Without these measures, reduced traction can result in injuries, legal liabilities, and decreased material handling efficiency, underscoring the importance of epoxy materials in minimizing slip hazards.

Our Experience Matters

Prime Polymers has installed hundreds of wear resistant flooring systems in a wide range of industries.  Our highly experienced installation teams have serviced just about every industry since our company’s inception almost 25 years ago.

If your facility can benefit for wear resistant flooring systems, call Prime Polymers today.  Our highly trained staff can provide an in-depth review of your facility and quote!

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